Find the real purpose behind your business by asking this question

Jul 29, 2022 | Branding 101

“What’s your purpose behind your business? What’s your why?” Oh, how I used to hate these questions!

And my answer was always the same:

My why is money. I want to make a lot of money. To live the life I desire. To travel the world. To support people and causes I care about.

I know it’s nothing special or particularly noble. But it’s the truth.

Until I realised it wasn’t the truth. Or at least not the whole truth.

Yes, of course I want to make money. I don’t consider myself a materialistic person and I don’t believe money can buy happiness. But I do believe money can buy time, freedom and a whole different level of choices. So yes, in that sense, money is my why.

But there are so many different ways I can make that money. Why am I choosing brand strategy consulting and photography? And for you, whatever you chose from the sea of options to build your business around,

why did you choose that?

And that is the real question. That is the one that leads to the deeper truth. That is the one that’ll help you uncover the true purpose behind your business.

Of course, you can say “It’s what I studied and what I’m good at.” or “I just stumbled upon this idea.” And while those might be perfectly true, they deny the fact that you always have a choice. And that you are always making one – even if that choice is to maintain the status quo.

“It’s only when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are.” // Allanah Hunt

So, aknowledging and embracing that the power of choice is yours, ask yourself the question again: Out of all the options, why am I choosing to build a business around x? Why do I care about those people I’m trying to help / entertain / motivate / inspire / etc..?

And I promise you that the answer will give a new wave of momentum to your business and to you as a business owner, regardless of the stage or state your business is currently in.

Because getting clear on the purpose behind your business is not something you just do once when you start out and have to put something on the ‘About me’ page.

Reminding yourself of the main reason behind the whole project is crucial when the going gets tough. When a global crisis pulls the ground from under your feet and thoughts of quitting start to creep in. When you feel tired and burnt out.

But also when things are going well, make sure you don’t lose sight of your purpose. It’s too easy to get seduced by opportunities offering more money and growth. But not all of those will be in alignment with the purpose of your business.

Yes, your purpose might change as both you and your business evolve. And that is fine. Just make sure those shifts are recognised and are the results of considered decisions.


So, for me – apart from making money – the purpose of my business is to help entrepreneurs find clarity and confidence around their personal brand so that they can show up in a way that is true to who they are and build a business that is not only successful but also sustainable.

Too many businesses fail before they get a proper chance to succeed. Under the presure of magic formulas, business owners try to make themselves fit into the “right way” of showing up, resulting in resistance to put themselves out there or in feeling inauthentic.

People with the courage to build the life they desire end up being happier and become a source of positive energy and inspiration for those around them. This is why I am committed to help business owners build a personal brand they are proud to own and are empowered by and give the best chance for their business to succeed.


So, what is the purpose behind your business? What is your why?

ZSANKA Brand Strategy | profile 02

Hi! I'm Zsanka

A Brand Strategist, I help entrepreneurs build their brand on a solid foundation with a clear direction and a clear message so that they can be seen and be profitable while building a business that is true to who they are.

If you need help with building your brand that connects you with your ideal customer and also allows you to be fully yourself in your business, Brand Yourself Confident - my 8-week personal brand strategy consulting program - might just be the solution for you.

Check out the details and book your free consultation or if you have any questions get in touch.

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